The daughter of PTOLEMY XII, Cleopatra became joint ruler with her younger brother PTOLEMY XIII in 51 BC. Three years later they fought each other in a civil war, during which the Roman general POMPEY THE GREAT came to Egypt and was assassinated by Ptolemy. Julius CAESAR then invaded Egypt and defeated Ptolemy, who drowned in the Nile. Cleopatra married another brother, Ptolemy XIV, but she also became Caesar's mistress and followed him to Rome, where she stayed until his assassination (44 BC).
1- How many queens did the name Cleopatra correspond in the old Egypt?
2- Who was the most famous of all of those queens? Which writer spoke about romance?
3- Mention two literature works related to Cleopatra queen.
4- Did Cleopatra VII rule Egypt by herself?
5- How did her brother Ptolemy XV die?
6- When did she become Mark Antony’s mistress?
7- How did the Ptolemaic dynasty end?
8- What does THEY mean in the sentence “They planned to set up (eles planejaram instalar)…”
9- Who was murdered on Cleopatra’s orders?
a) Ptolemy XII
b) Ptolemy III
c) Ptolemy XIV
d) Ptolemy XV
10- Translate all the underlined words: