Escolha a alternativa correta e justifique no caderno.

a) what
b) which
c) whose
d) whom
e) that
02. I know the girl ___ wrote you this letter.
a) whose
b) whom
c) which
d) who
e) what
03. Were those the physicians to ___ you introduced you brother?
a) which
b) who
c) whose
d) whom
e) when
04. That’s the businessman__ daughter suffered an accident this morning.
a) which
b) who
c) whose
d) whom
e) when
05. The book __ I was reading yesterday was a detective story.
a) whose
b) what
c) whom
d) who
e) which
06. Did you know ___ agoraphobia is a morbid fear of open places?
a) if
b) than
c) that
d) what
e) which
07. The shirt ___ buttons are yellow belongs to me.
a) whose
b) which
c) whom
d) who
e) what
08.Clique no link abaixo e/ou copie na barra de seu navegador marcando a alternativa correta.Lembre de colocar as respostas de cada pergunta no comments logo abaixo desta postagem:
09. Complete com um pronome adequado para cada frase inicial.