1ª Condicional: expressa uma situação hipotética no futuro e é marcada pela construção: “If + present → Will”.
Ex: If I work a lot I will earn a lot of money. (Se eu trabalhar muito, eu irei ganhar muito dinheiro).
2ª Condicional: expressa uma situação hipotética no presente e é marcada pela construção: “If + past → would”.
Ex: If he had a lot money he would travel around the world. (Se ele tivesse muito dinheiro, ele viajaria ao redor do mundo).
3ª condicional → expressa uma situação hipotética no passado e é marcada pela construção: “If + past participle → would + past participle).
Ex: If you had signed up for that class you would had learned a lot. (Se você tivesse se registrado para aquela aula, você teria aprendido muito).
1ª condicional: If + present → will (situação hipotética no futuro).
2ª condicional: If + past → would (situação hipotética no presente).
3ª condicional: If + past participle → would + past participle (situação hipotética no passado).fonte:brasilescola foto:heckagi
Let`s train! sucess! choose the correct form of the condicional tense(font:ego4u)
- If Caroline and Sue the salad, Phil the house.
- If Sue the onions for the salad, Caroline the mushrooms.
- Jane the sitting room if Aaron and Tim the furniture.
- If Bob up the kitchen, Anita the toilet.
- Elaine the drinks if somebody her carry the bottles.
- If Alan and Rebecca the food, Mary and Conor the sandwiches.
- If Bob after the barbecue, Sue the guests in.
- Frank the DJ if the others along their CDs.
- Alan the drinks if Jane him some of her cocktail recipes.
- If they all their best, the party great.
1) If I (to come) home earlier, I (to prepare) dinner. | |
2) If we (to live) in Rome, Francesco (to visit) us. | |
3) If Tim and Tom (to be) older, they (to play) in our hockey team. | |
4) If he (to be) my friend, I (to invite) him to my birthday party. | |
5) If Susan (to study) harder, she (to be) better at school. | |
6) If they (to have) enough money, they (to buy) a new car. | |
7) If you (to do) a paper round, you (to earn) a little extra money. | |
8) If Michael (to get) more pocket money, he (to ask) Doris out for dinner. | |
9) If we (to hurry), we (to catch) the bus. | |
10) If it (to rain), Nina (to take) an umbrella with her. |