Dicas para não esquecer o uso correto de:
Used to – Eu costumava jogar bola de gude quando tinha dez anos. (Não jogo mais.) Indica que era algo que a gente costumava fazer.
I used to play marbles when I was ten.
Be used to (verb)ing – Eu estou acostumada a trabalhar até tarde. (Faço isso com frequência; já é meu costume.)
I’m used to working late.
Get used to (verb)ing – Estou me acostumando a ir à academia todos os dias. (Estou no processo de me acostumar a algo novo.)
Corrija as orações abaixo se necessário – USED TO – GET USED TO – TO BE USED TO
1. After a few months I got used to live in the new apartment.
2. Little by little she’s getting used to her new job.
3. The kids are finally getting used to playing in the new play room.
4. I used to have lunch out every day, but now I eat at home.
5. I’m used to eating at home every day.
6. I’m accustomed to eating at home now and then.
7. This town used to be much safer than it is now.
8. She’s used to badmouth all her co-workers. One day she’ll lose her job because of this bad habit.
10. I’m used to go to bed early now, but when I was a teen, I used to going to bed at dawn.
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