sexta-feira, 24 de junho de 2011

Durante esta semana de 27 de junho a 01 de julho, as turmas de Língua Inglesa concluirão o Projeto Glee do CEPJO. Desde o final de abril, grupos de alunos foram convidados a criar uma peça teatral. Nela, o grupo faria apresentação de uma música em inglês escolhida para adequar-se ao tema em destaque na encenação. De pop a hip hop, de romântica a músicas das antigas, eles terão de pesquisar, aprender a letra da canção bem como a tradução para melhor interpretar no palco. Há ainda a possibilidade de gravar em vídeo em outra locação como uma garagem, praça, em casa etc. A criatividade fica por conta dos alunos. Não participarão do projeto turmas da tarde e noite, cuja carga horária é reduzida pela metade, ou seja, uma aula de Inglês. A avaliação contará com a habilidade e desenvoltura na pronunciação da letra da música e interpretação do personagem na cena teatral. Boa sorte pessoal!!
quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2011
GENITIVE CASE - 1os anos

O genitive case expressa posse entre dois substantivos, referindo-se a pessoas ou animais. Acrescenta-se ‘S ou ‘
The play of Shakespeare - Shakespeare's play
The film of John Ford - John Ford's film
Nomes próprios terminados em "s"
The country of James - James' country
The car of Marcos – Marcos’ car
Possuidores no plural terminados em "s"
The land of those families - Those families' land
Dois possuidores para a mesma posse
The project of John and Amanda - John and Amanda's project
Dois possuidores para 2 posses individuais
Cada possuidor é seguido de ['] ou ['s]
The objectives of John and Ana - John's and Ana's objectives
The jobs of Henry and Richard - Henry ' s and Richard's jobs
Possuidores que "não" são pessoas ou animais
Usa-se a construção com "of"
The door of the church.
The key of the door. Fonte:mundo vestibular
quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2011
a) The magazine is being read (by me).
b) The magazine was being read (by me).
c) The magazine has been read (by me).
d) The magazine had been read (by me).
e) The magazine were read (by me).
02. you show me your passport
a) Your passport is shown by me
b) Your passport was shown by you
c) He asked: show you passport.
d) He asked to me show you passport.
e) He asked me whether I could show him my passport.
03. “ I sweep the floor.”
a) The floor is swept by us.
b) The floor is weeping by you.
c) The floor is swept by me.
d) He said his floor sweeps.
e) that floor is to be swept.
04. That girl watched the film.
a) had watched
b) is going watched
c) is being watched
d) were watched
e) was watched
05. They will change the house.
a) The house will can changed by them
b) The house will could changed by them
c) The house will be changed by they
d) The house will be changed by them
e) The house will changed.
06. I said to him: "I'll leave soon."
I told him that I ______ soon.
a) will leave
b) 'd left
c) 's left
d) 'd leave
e) am leaving
07. (FATEC) She said: "I had to leave". - She said (that) ______.
a) she is leaving
b) she had leaving
c) she had to leaves
d) she had to leave
e) she had to leaving
08. (UNESP) Sue asked Barbara: "Fiona saw the bandits"
a) The bandits were seen by Fiona
b) The bandits was seen by Fiona
c) The bandits was seen by me
d) she wanted to see.
e) she want to see.
09. "Bill have bougt a large bed ".
a) has been
b) He said: I have slept a lot.
c) had been
d) Has been bought
e) has being bought
10. "Jessica was washing the clothes."
a) were being washed
b) was being washed
c) was washed
d) were washed
e) have being washed
Coloque as frases na voz passiva.
a) I will take the children to the cinema.
b) The girls have prepared this delicious cake.
c) The students wrote these interesting texts about the school trip.
d) The customers have just read the notice.
e) Many people study English at language schools.
f) The Smiths bought the green house.
g) We should give teenagers an opportunity to get a job.
h) Everybody can visit the cathedral from 1 pm to 6 pm.