If it's still hard for you to find the time to exercise, don’t worry. You can get some exercise by walking every day. Most people find it hard to make excuses for not walking 15 minutes a day. The important thing is to do something. And start now. You’ll feel better.Fonte:passeiweb
- several = diversos; vários
- weight = peso
- to enjoy = apreciar; gostar muito
- even = até mesmo
- fee = taxa; tarifa
- stretching = alongamento
- to lift = levantar
- excuse = desculpa; justificativa
1. What generally happens to people who exercise?
( ) a. They lose weight easily.
( ) b. They don’t have any health problems.
( ) c. They don’t get sick.
( ) d. They feel good.
2. What kinds of exercise should you do?
( ) a. Exercises that you like.
( ) b. Stretching exercises.
( ) c. Jogging and aerobics.
( ) d. Walking 15 minutes a day.
3. Why is it a good idea to exercise at a health club?
( ) a. For a small fee, you can take an aerobic class.
( ) b. They have special equipment that you don’t.
( ) c. You can do stretching exercises.
( ) d. You don’t have to buy any expensive equipment
4. Why is it difficult for some people to exercise?
( ) a. They can’t find the time.
( ) b. They don’t have money to buy the equipment.
( ) c. They don’t like to exercise alone.
( ) d. They don’t enjoy exercising at health clubs.
5. According to the text, which of the following statements is FALSE?
( ) a. If you prefer to exercise at a health club, you should take an aerobic class.
( ) b. The same kind of exercise you do at a health club can be done at home.
( ) c. There are many ways you can exercise without going to a health club.
( ) d. Most people can walk 15 minutes a day.
6. Traduza as palavras em negrito e formule uma frase para cada uma delas em outro contexto.
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