Em seguida, responda às atividades abaixo:
1.-Choose the best alternative and write on blanks:
1.-She was appointed of my father´s inheritance executor/executioner
2.-He never listens to the teacher during the class, he is very charlatan/talkative.
3.-Could you this test? resume/summarise
4.-If you eat this plant you´ll get intoxicated/poisoned.
5.-He is so that everybody pulls his leg. candid/innocent
6.-The was so good that nobody realised anything. deception /disappointment
7.-The was so deep that she is very angry and sad. disappointment /deception
8.-He has Doctor Jones for five years. assisted to/attended
9.-He one of his lectures last year. attended/assisted to
10.-The was very good but not very famous for his music. compositor/composer
11.-They wanted the city to be olimpic but it didn´t have commodities/facilities.
12.-Despite being so old he is rather unconscious/irresponsible.
13.-Albert Einstein was a famous physician/physicist.
14.- Could you keep this in the ? ,please. folder/carpet
15.-He covered the book with some paper. adherent/adhesive
Um comentário:
Bastante interessante o assunto ''false cognates''.A linguagem gráfica utilizada para o conteúdo ajudou muito,assim os alunos se familiarizam mais com o conteúdo.Eu me senti fazendo parte ou sendo jogador no campo.Parecia que eu entrava na tela do computador e me transportava para um mundo fantástico.Muito legal a nova forma de aprendizado utilizada nas nossas aulas de inglês.
By: John Mark
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