1. I travelled to Canada last year. ( Viajei para o Canadá no ano passado ) – simple past
2. I´ve travelled to Canada. ( Viajei para o Canadá . ) – present perfect
Então, o simple past é usado para expressar idéias concluídas no passado e o present perfect para expressar idéias no passado, mas que estão com o tempo em aberto, podendo ocorrer a qualquer tempo novamente.
I´ve travelled to Canada – Viajei para o Canadá e posso viajar novamente, desde que eu esteja vivo.
I travelled to Canada last year – Viajei para o Canadá no ano passado e nunca mais vou poder viajar para o Canadá no ano passado.
O Present perfect também quando acompanha as seguintes palavras : ever, never, alredy, yet, just.
Have you ever been to Australia ? ( Você já esteve na Austrália ? )
I have alredy finished my homework . ( Já terminei minha lição de casa )
He has never given a woman flowers. ( Ele nunca deu flores a uma mulher . ) adaptado inglêonline
1. Fill the blanks using Present Perfect:
- Karen me an e-mail. (to send)
- Dave and Pat the museum. (to visit)
- I at the pet shop. (to be)
- They already their rucksacks. (to pack)
- Marcus an accident. (to have)
2. Complete the sentences using S.Past x Pres. Perfect:
Look! I (find) this book in the library yesterday.
- Oh, I (hear) very good things about it.
- I (never, be) to Paris. How about you?
- I (be) there last year. In fact, that (be) my third time in Paris.
- Would you like to try sushi? I think you'll like it.
- Thanks. Actually I (have) sushi many times. It's my favorite dish.
Tom (study) a lot lately. He's doing very well in school. Yesterday he (study) so hard that he (fall) asleep on the desk.
I (never, see) such a beautiful view! This really is a wonderful place.
- Oh, I (hear) very good things about it.
- I (never, be) to Paris. How about you?
- I (be) there last year. In fact, that (be) my third time in Paris.
- Would you like to try sushi? I think you'll like it.
- Thanks. Actually I (have) sushi many times. It's my favorite dish.
Tom (study) a lot lately. He's doing very well in school. Yesterday he (study) so hard that he (fall) asleep on the desk.
I (never, see) such a beautiful view! This really is a wonderful place.
3. Quando usamos as expressões em destaque?
- 'Already' is a signal word for ...
- 'Just' is a signal word for ...
- '2 years ago' is a signal word for ...
- 'Yet' is a signal word for ...
- 'Yesterday' is a signal word for ...
4. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).
- A: I (see / not) you for a long time. Where (you / be) ?
- B: I (come / just) back from Canada.
- A: Oh really? What (you / do) in Canada?
- B: I (take) a nature tour.
- A: Wow! (you / see) many wild animals there?
- B: Of course. I (watch) bears, wolves and whales in the wild. That (be) so interesting.(you / spend / ever) a holiday in Canada?
18 comentários:
Aluna: Ketlyn Karolyne R. Lima
Turma: 2º ano "B"
3º Quando usamos as expressões em destaque?
1. 'Already' is a signal word for ... Resposta:Present Perfect Simple.
2.'Just' is a signal word for... Resposta:Present Perfect Simple.
3.'2 years ago' is a signal word for...
Resposta: Simple PAst
4.'Yet' is a signal word for... Resposta: Present Perfect Simple
5. 'Yesterday' is a signal word for...
Resposta: Simple Past
Resposta da 3º questão. Número 5. Quando usamos as expressões em destaque: "yesterday"is a signal word for. Resposta:Simple past.
Elizabethe Andrade from 2º "B" just completed this exercise flawlessly
completed activity ! Very interesting subject
3. Quando usamos as expressões em destaque?
'Already' is a signal word for ... simple past
'Just' is a signal word for ... present perfec simple
'2 years ago' is a signal word for ... simple past
'Yet' is a signal word for ... present perfect simple
'Yesterday' is a signal word for ... simple past
Ana Vitória 2°ano "B"
i have not seen you for a long time. where have you been?
i have come just back from canada
resposta questão 03.
a)present perfect simple
b)present perfect simple
c)simple past
d)present perfect simple
e)simple present
joana barbosa "2B"
Tamires oliveria 2º A
Por enquanto não tive nenhuma dificuldade para responder.
João Witor 2° ano "A"
Questao 3 :
a) Present perfect
b) Present perfect
c) Simple past
d) Present perfect
e) Simple past
Paulo Roberto - 2ºA
1. Fill the blanks using Present Perfect:
Karen sent me an e-mail.
Dave and Pat visited the museum.
I been at the pet shop.
They packed already their rucksacks.
Marcus had an accident.
Student:Robson Barbosa santos.
2nd "A"
1:Fill The blanks using present perfect:
1) Karen has sent me an e-mail.(to send). 2) Dave and Pat have visited the museum. (To visit). 3) I have been at the pet shop.(to be) 4) I have already packed their rucksacks.(to pack) 5) Marcus has had an accident.(to have).
Para empregarmos corretamente o Present Perfect devemos entender o contexto ( a situação a qual o sujeito está inserido).
1-Present perfect
2-Present perfect
3-Simple past
4-Present perfect
5-Simple past
Da forma como o professor nos explicou esse assunto, de uma forma mais dinâmica, o assunto ficou de fácil entendimento.
Alde Mariana de Araújo Carvalho
2° ano A
3- Present Perfect
Present Perfect
Simple Past
Present Perfect
Simple Past
(Rebeca Lauany - 2 ano A)
Lauane Sabrina Santos Santos 2°ano A
1-Present perfect
2-Present perfect
3-Simple past
4-Simple past
5-Present perfect
Questão 3:
a) Present perfect
b) Present perfect
c) Simple past
d) Present perfect
e) Simple past
Bianca Stefane Silva Fonseca - 2 ano "A"
3. Quando usamos as expressões em destaque?
'Already' is a signal word for ... present perfect simple
'Just' is a signal word for ... present perfect simple
'2 years ago' is a signal word for ... simple past
'Yet' is a signal word for ... present perfect simple
'Yesterday' is a signal word for ... simple past
Sofhia Pereira Santos 2° ano "B"
3- Present Perfect
Simple Past
Simple Past
Present Perfect
Simple Past
Anderson Freitas Santos 2º "A"
3ª quaetão
1-Present Perfect Simple
2-Present Perfect Simple
3-Simple Past
4-Present Perfect Simple
5-Simple Past
Daniela Rabelo Santos 2º ano A
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