segunda-feira, 22 de julho de 2013


Os pronomes reflexivos podem ser usados para expressar:
1- ação reflexiva: a ação do verbo recai sobre o próprio sujeito.
I cut myself. (Eu me cortei).
She combs herself. (Ela se penteia).
After eating, the cat cleans itself. (Após comer, o gato se limpa).
They burned themselves on the fireplace. (Eles se queimaram na lareira).
2- função enfática: o pronome deve combinar com aquilo que está se enfatizando.
He himself built his house. (Ele mesmo construiu essa casa).
They themselves fixed the dishwasher. (Eles mesmos consertaram a máquina de lavar).
We ourselves made this surprise to you. (Nós mesmos preparamos essa surpresa para você).
myself cut the cake. (Eu mesma cortei o bolo).
3- função idiomática: tem-se a intenção de informar que o sujeito praticou a ação sozinho, sem a ajuda de ninguém. Nesse caso, o pronome reflexivo deve vir precedido por “by”.
We did our homework by ourselves. (Nós fizemos o nosso dever de casa sozinhos).
Bob made this pasta by himself. (Bob preparou esse macarrão sozinho).
She cleaned the house by herself. (Ela limpou a casa sozinha).
They painted the house by themselves. (Eles pintaram a casa sem a ajuda de ninguém).
Segue abaixo uma tabela com todos os pronomes reflexivos.
Reflexive Pronouns – Pronomes Reflexivos
1ª pessoa do singular
2ª pessoa do singular
3ª pessoa do singular para o masculino
3ª pessoa do singular para o feminino
3ª pessoa do singular para animais e objetos
1ª pessoa do plural
2ª pessoa do plural
3ª pessoa do plural

Clique ou copie os links abaixo na barra de seu navegador e treine o assunto.Lembre: comments about your difficulties in the final.



Assistam ao video acima e responda abaixo:
1. De que trata?

2. Cite tres situacoes vividas pelos estudantes que diferem da cultura americana?

3. De dois exemplos nao apontados pela turma que criou o projeto?

4. Crie um roteiro a respeito de um exemplo como o que voce viu para adiante produzirem um video parecido.(sorry, american keyboard is different)

domingo, 21 de julho de 2013

IMPERATIVE - 1os anos

O modo imperativo deve ser usado toda vez que se pretende expressar:
1- Ordem ou pedido:
Shut the door. (Feche a porta). Open your book on page 123. (Abra seu livro na página 123). Speak only English during our class. (Fale somente inglês durante nossa aula). Don’t talk during the class. (Não converse durante a aula). Tidy up your bedroom. (Organize seu quarto). Come to my house tomorrow at 8:00. (Venha à minha casa, amanhã às 8h).
2- Convite:
Let’s go watch the game at Susan’s house? (Vamos assistir ao jogo na casa da Susan?). Let’s make a surprise party to Bob? (Vamos fazer uma festa surpresa para o Bob?). Let’s swim at my new swimming pool? (Vamos nadar na minha piscina nova?). Come see my new video game. (Venha ver meu novo videogame).
É possível notar nos exemplos acima que para elaborar uma frase no modo imperativo, basta utilizar o verbo no infinitivo sem o “to”. Nas frases afirmativas, o verbo vem na maioria das vezes no início da frase. E nas frases negativas, deve-se acrescentar o “don’t” antes do verbo. No entanto, há uma exceção: quando utilizar o “Let’s”, não é necessário colocar o “don’t” nas frases negativas, basta apenas acrescentar o “not”. Exemplo da forma correta:
Let’s not drink anymore. (Não vamos beber mais). Let’s not wait for our friends anymore. (Não vamos mais esperar pelos nossos amigos).
Em frases imperativas, o uso do always (sempre) e never (nunca), pode ser usado sempre antes do verbo principal.
Always bring your book, notebook and pencil case to the class. (Sempre traga seu livro, caderno e estojo para a aula).
Never sleep so late. (Nunca durma tão tarde).fonte;brasilescola


1. Produza uma short story usando alguns dos imperativos que acabou de aprender no seu caderno (pode ser na forma afirmativa e engativa a depender do contexto).

quarta-feira, 3 de julho de 2013

"GYM" - Text 1o ano

Hello folks! Esta semana teremos uma atividade envolvendo leitura e interpretacao de texto.Anote as perguntas e respostas no seu caderno pois verificaremos no meu retorno em agosto.

Some people prefer gyms where you pay a monthly fee. At a health club, you can do exercises by yourself or take classes where you will do stretching exercises, aerobics etc. You can bike or lift weights at a health club too. Of course, you can also do these kinds of exercises home. If you want to lift weights or ride an exercise bike, though, you will have to buy some equipment, and this might sometimes be expensive. But you don’t need any special equipment to do aerobics or stretching exercises. You can also get exercise by jogging on the streets or in a park.

If it's still hard for you to find the time to exercise, don’t worry. You can get some exercise by walking every day. Most people find it hard to make excuses for not walking 15 minutes a day. The important thing is to do something. And start now. You’ll feel better


- several = diversos; vários
- weight = peso
- to enjoy = apreciar; gostar muito
- even = até mesmo
- fee = taxa; tarifa
- stretching = alongamento
- to lift = levantar
- excuse = desculpa; justificativa

1. What generally happens to people who exercise?
( ) a. They lose weight easily.
( ) b. They don’t have any health problems.
( ) c. They don’t get sick.
( ) d. They feel good.

2. What kinds of exercise should you do?
( ) a. Exercises that you like.
( ) b. Stretching exercises.
( ) c. Jogging and aerobics.
( ) d. Walking 15 minutes a day.

3. Why is it a good idea to exercise at a health club?
( ) a. For a small fee, you can take an aerobic class.
( ) b. They have special equipment that you don’t.
( ) c. You can do stretching exercises.
( ) d. You don’t have to buy any expensive equipment

4. Why is it difficult for some people to exercise?
( ) a. They can’t find the time.
( ) b. They don’t have money to buy the equipment.
( ) c. They don’t like to exercise alone.
( ) d. They don’t enjoy exercising at health clubs.

5. According to the text, which of the following statements is FALSE?
( ) a. If you prefer to exercise at a health club, you should take an aerobic class.
( ) b. The same kind of exercise you do at a health club can be done at home.
( ) c. There are many ways you can exercise without going to a health club.
( ) d. Most people can walk 15 minutes a day.

6. Traduza as palavras em negrito e formule uma frase para cada uma delas em outro contexto. 


  Hello folks! Esta semana teremos uma atividade envolvendo leitura e interpretacao de texto.Anote as perguntas e respostas no seu caderno pois verificaremos no meu retorno em agosto.

In our self-absorbed age, everything is the newest New
Thing or the biggest Big Thing. This spirit inevitably invests
the Internet with transcendent significance. Steve Case of
America Online already calls the new century “the Internet
Century,” and some authorities whisper that the Internet
rivals the importance of Gutemberg’s invention of the printing
press in the 15th century. We suffer from historical amnesia.
Suppose you were born in 1900. You wouldn’t yet watch
movies, let alone global TV. The airplane hadn’t been invented,
and Henry Ford wouldn’t produce the first Model T until 1908.
Fewer than 10 percent of U.S. homes had phones, and fewer
than 8 percent had electricity. Antibiotics hadn’t been
discovered. As yet the Internet isn’t in the same league with
these developments.

Each changed lifestyles and popular beliefs. The automobile
suburbanized America and inaugurated mass travel.
Antibiotics, vaccines and public-health advances helped
raise life expectancy from 46 in 1900 to 77 today. The
explosion of prosperity – a consequence of electricity, other
technologies and modern management – shortened working
hours and expanded leisure. Movies and TV transformed
popular culture. As a matter of fact, the Internet is too young
for anyone to foretell its ultimate significance.
Our historical amnesia could benefit from the words of a
Tennessee farmer at a church meeting in the 1940s. “Brothers
and sisters, I want to tell you this,” he said. “The greatest thing
on earth is to have the love of God in your heart, and the next
greatest is to have electricity in your home.” Can the Internet
really top that?
From Newsweek, January 24, 2000
In line 1, “self-absorbed” means:

(A) materialistic.
(B) revolutionary.
(C) self-admiring.
(D) competitive.
(E) self-conscious
We suffer from historical amnesia (lines 7 and 24) because:

(A) we invest all developments with unparalleled significance.
(B) we fail to remember some wise words uttered back in the 40s.
(C) we tend to forget major developments and inventions of the past.
(D) it is too soon to assess the importance of the Internet.
(E) the lessons of the past are necessarily forgotten.
What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
(A) The Model T was a car manufactured by Henry Ford in 1908.
(B) The invention of antibiotics was less important than that of the Internet.
(C) The use of electric power and telephone services was not widespread in 1900.
(D) So far the Internet hasn’t proved to be as important as some earlier inventions.
(E) Movies and cable TV were not available at the turn of the century.
Mark the only correct alternative:

(A) “these” (line 14) refers to “antibiotics” (line 12).
(B) “its” (line 23) refers to “Internet” (line 22).
(C) “this” (line 26) refers to “historical amnesia” (line 24).
(D) “this” (line 26) refers to “church meeting” (line 25).
(E) “that” (line 29) refers to “home” (line 28).
The third paragraph is structured by:

(A) generalization and exemplification.
(B) definition and exemplification.
(C) definition and comparison.
(D) classification and argumentation.
(E) classification and description.
Check the only true statement according to the text.

(A) Popular culture is a consequence of movies and global TV.
(B) The automobile allowed people to live far from the center of big cities.
(C) In the year 1900 electricity was more common in U.S. homes than telephones.
(D) Some authorities believe that the Internet will replace the printing press.
(E) All religious people believe that electricity is the greatest thing on earth besides God’s love

7.Traduza as palavras em negrito e formule outra frase para cada uma delas em outro contexto:


Hello folks! Esta semana teremos uma atividade envolvendo leitura e interpretacao de texto.Anote as perguntas e respostas no seu caderno pois verificaremos no meu retorno em agosto.

Cleopatra was the name of the seven queens of ancient Egypt. By far the most famous was Cleopatra VII, b. 69 BC. Her extraordinary efforts to revive Ptolemaic power through her forceful personality and political skill, and the romantic liaisons with prominent Romans that this policy involved, have been the subject of much literature, including William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra and George Bernard Shaw's Caesar and Cleopatra.

The daughter of PTOLEMY XII, Cleopatra became joint ruler with her younger brother PTOLEMY XIII in 51 BC. Three years later they fought each other in a civil war, during which the Roman general POMPEY THE GREAT came to Egypt and was assassinated by Ptolemy. Julius CAESAR then invaded Egypt and defeated Ptolemy, who drowned in the Nile. Cleopatra married another brother, Ptolemy XIV, but she also became Caesar's mistress and followed him to Rome, where she stayed until his assassination (44 BC).
Returning to Egypt, Cleopatra ruled with her son by Caesar, Ptolemy XV, called Caesarion, as joint king, Ptolemy XIV having been murdered on her orders. In 42 BC, when Mark ANTONY came to Egypt, she became his mistress. They planned to set up a vast kingdom to be inherited by her sons by Caesar and Antony. However, Octavian (later AUGUSTUS) defeated Antony and Cleopatra in the Battle of ACTIUM (31 BC) and pursued them to Egypt. Antony committed suicide. Cleopatra surrendered and sought to establish a relationship with Octavian. Failing, she killed herself in August of the year 30 BC, allowing herself to be bitten by an asp (cobra), the royal symbol of ancient Egypt. Her son, King Ptolemy XV, was murdered, and the Ptolemaic dynasty ended.Fonte:passeinaweb

1- How many queens did the name Cleopatra correspond in the old Egypt?

2- Who was the most famous of all of those queens? Which writer spoke about romance?

3- Mention two literature works related to Cleopatra queen.

4- Did Cleopatra VII rule Egypt by herself?

5- How did her brother Ptolemy XV die?

6- When did she become Mark Antony’s mistress?

7- How did the Ptolemaic dynasty end?

8- What does THEY mean in the sentence “They planned to set up (eles planejaram instalar)…”

9- Who was murdered on Cleopatra’s orders?
a) Ptolemy XII
b) Ptolemy III
c) Ptolemy XIV
d) Ptolemy XV

10- Traduza as palavras em negrito e formule uma nova frase para cada uma delas em outro contexto:
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